Tracking the developing fortunes (and names) of Swansea's new sporting stadium.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


24 September 2005

Once again the occupants of County Hall have managed to make our city a laughing stock in the eyes of Britain's football clubs.

They are not content with the mishandling of Swansea's heritage - for example, the Slip Bridge, Mumbles lifeboat station and many more - but have now managed to make fools of us by turning our pride and joy, The New Stadium, into a fiasco. What a pathetic bunch of wallies!

They seem to ruin everything that they touch. We have new buildings going up next to rundown relics.

Their new suggestion is to place a car park when they demolish the Unifloc building. How pathetic is that?

Imagination seems to be a word that our leaders have never heard of.

When you look around Swansea and see all the buildings to decay and rot, it just makes me sick.

The whole of Swansea and the Jack Army are calling the new stadium White Rock.

Why don't the councillors at County Hall listen, or do they want to go the same way as the last lot?

Mrs J. Rice, Hanover Street, Swansea.